Prevent Condensation With Proper Ventilation
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Prevent Condensation With Proper Ventilation

Published by Andrew Schmidt

Is your attic properly ventilated? The average family of four generates between two and four gallons of water vapor each day from everyday activities. When there isn’t proper ventilation in the attic, this moisture causes condensation, which during the winter can contribute to the formation of ice dams, as well as mold growth. These issues can cause damage to your home, and make its occupants sick.

Look out for the following to determine whether you have condensation in your attic:

Wetness on nails piercing through the wood deck
Moisture on rafters and wood decking
Water stains on roof decking – this indicates a leak!
Mold on attic structure

To eliminate or reduce the risk of condensation:

If you find a leak, mark it with electrical tape to show your roofing contractor.
If you find mold, kill it with household bleach, then add a coating of kilz (found at a hardware store) to seal the affected area.
Make sure exhaust vents are vented through the roof properly.
Make sure there are no large gaps between fixtures and the ceiling.
Make sure all drywall is finished without gaps or cracks.
Make sure the soffit vent is not blocked by insulation.

If you are uncertain whether your attic is ventilated properly, or if you find an issue with moisture or leaks in the roof, contact Showalter Roofing Services, Inc.!


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