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Preparing Your Roof for Fall and Winter

Published by Andrew Schmidt

Though it still may be hot outside, the warm weather won’t be here much longer. Now that kids are beginning to return to school and summer activities are settling down, it is time to turn your attention to making sure your home is prepared for what’s to come. Make sure that you tend to these roofing maintenance issues in Evanston, Il before the weather continues to cool off.

Clean Off Built-Up Debris

Over the summer, leaves, needles, branches and other debris has likely piled up on your roof. Debris on your roof can hold moisture or even mold which will break down your roofing material over time. If you don’t clean off materials that are building up, they could get trapped under more leaves and snow, making for more expensive and damaging problems down the road.

Clean Your Gutters

Built up water from summer storms need to be fully drained before the fall and winter seasons begin. Cleaning your gutters can help drain water from both your roof and your house as a whole. Make sure that you get any water or debris out of gutters before the temperatures are cold enough to freeze.

Ventilate Your Attic

Moisture can easily build up in your attic and lead to structural issues for your home. Make sure that your attic is properly ventilated to reduce moisture and keep the structure of your home sound.

If you need help with roofing in Evanston, Il, don’t hesitate to contact Showalter Roofing Service, Inc. We offer both roofing repairs and roofing maintenance to extend the life of your roof. Contact us today to make sure your roof is prepared for the upcoming change in weather!

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