There Is Mold In The Attic | Problems That Affect Your New Roof
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There is Mold In The Attic

Published by Andrew Schmidt

Attics are oftentimes “out of sight, out of mind” for long periods of time.  Usually, the only time a homeowner enters the attic space of a home is during the holidays to take down decorations or when selling a home and the buyer’s home inspector does a thorough inspection of the home.  Therefore, it is not surprising that many homeowners are totally unaware of attic mold, sometimes for decades.

Recently, Showalter’s sales executives and project managers have seen several homes with attic mold.  We believe that an educated customer is our best customer.  For this reason, we believe it is helpful to discuss not only your roof, but also to check your attic for proper insulation and ventilation.  In addition to the inspection of your roof, we always ask for permission to get into your attic space to get a first-hand look at various issues that can also affect your new roof. For example,

  • We look to ensure that you have proper attic ventilation.  Through the winter months, our managers and sales executives have received mold training which qualifies them to recommend proper attic ventilation for your home.  Blocked ridge and soffit vents, improperly installed attic fans, clothes dryer, kitchen and bathroom vents discharging into your attic, and not enough roof vents can all contribute to mold problems.
  • To assure your attic is correctly insulated; we check the insulation thickness and confirm that proper vapor barriers are present.  Having proper insulation and barriers helps eliminate humidity in that attic that is a result of everyday living such as taking showers, utilizing the stove or oven, and exercising.
  • We also check for leaks from your roof.  Mold needs moisture to be present in your attic space and a leak is a sure way to “fuel” the growth of mold.

In addition to potential health concerns, mold can cause the sheathing to deteriorate.  If the plywood has started to delaminate, you will definitely need to replace your roof.  However, we believe that it is our job to simply provide you with information to help you make an informed decision regarding the work to your home.

If you are interested in a free inspection, please give us a call.  We would be honored to rise to great heights to serve you.  You can contact us or call us at (630) 499-7700.

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