Showalter Roofing is frequently asked this cedar shake question and it all comes down to one solution: Preventative Maintenance.
Many homeowners are unaware of the complexities involved in a cedar shake roof system but if you understand the importance of preventative maintenance then you will increase the life span of your cedar shake roof.
Cedar shakes naturally repel water. The felt paper underneath acts as the key protector. After time, cedar becomes dry and splits. It’s inevitable!
The split causes exposure to the felt paper which gives access to UV rays as well as rain and snow. Eventually this causes deterioration of the felt paper, exposing the plywood sheathing. Exposure will eventually result in a roof leak.
Another common issue falls within the hip and ridge areas. You can find these areas at the connection point of two or more peaks. When these two pieces of cedar are stapled together a ridge cap is formed. Depending on the pitch of your roof, these ridge caps can become stressed and after time may spread apart. When this happens, often the attic space and interior of the home becomes exposed to harsh weather conditions. In some situations, insects can begin to build nests causing additional problems.
In order to extend the life span of your cedar shake roof system, preventive maintenance is key.
Here are the top three areas Showalter Roofing checks and repairs:
- Felt paper exposure: When any felt paper is exposed, cedar shakes need to be replaced.
- Hip and ridge: splitting or separation, repairs or replacements are done.
- Water saturates cedar shakes: removal of cedar shakes and replace.