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Why You Should Have Your Roof Inspected

Published by Andrew Schmidt

The good thing about the roof of your home is that you see it every day – which makes it easy to notice any areas that look abnormal or damaged. The following are reasons you should call for a roof inspection.

Weather and Weathering

An average roof will last anywhere between 15 and 30 years. And yes, just like you and me, our roofs experience the aging process. This aging, along with strong wind, rain and other extreme weather conditions, may create openings in the roof that allow water to get into your home. Having the damage inspected will allow you to fix it before it gets worse, and prevent future issues.


Proper drainage on your roof is imperative to its functioning. Leaks are one of the most common reasons for roofing failure, and nothing increases the chances of a leak like standing water on the surface. Excess moisture can also cause other roofing materials and insulation to deteriorate, requiring replacement. The roof, gutters and drains should be inspected to make sure they are clear for water to effectively flow off the roof.

Security Reasons

Believe it or not, thieves can break into buildings and homes through roof hatches and skylights. Upon inspection, you can determine whether there are any easy-to-enter areas and if locks need to be repaired or replaced.


Unless you purposely have a vegetative roof, spotting algae and other vegetation on your roof is not a good sign. Dirt, seeds and moisture build up in gutters, where vegetation is most commonly found. Again, regularly check on gutters to make sure they are clear of such debris. Roots from any plants that begin to grow on the roof may also penetrate through the membrane, causing serious leaking.

If your roof hasn’t been inspected in a while, there is no better time than the present. Give Showalter a call at (630) 499-7700.


Courtesy of facilitiesnet


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